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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries



Thesis defended in 2018
Theses in progress
Supervision of external PhD candidates


Valérie Viet Triem Tong has reported the following PhD thesis:

Jean-Louis Lanet has reported the following PhD thesis:

Guillaume Hiet was a member of the PhD committee for the following PhD thesis:

Valérie Viet Triem Tong was a member of the PhD committee for the following PhD thesis:

Jean-François Lalande has reported the following PhD thesis:

Jean-François Lalande was a member of the PhD committee for the following PhD thesis:

Jean-Louis Lanet was a member of the PhD committee for the following PhD thesis:

Emmanuelle Anceaume was a member of the grading PhD committee of

Emmanuelle Anceaume was a member of the PhD committee of

Ludovic Mé was a member of the PhD committee for the following PhD committee of :